Reverse Mortgage
A growing number of your senior customers and their adult children have been buying these innovative loans in recent years to augment retirement income, pay for long-term health care, or even pay for a dream vacation. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the number of reverse mortgages issued has more than […]

Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRA
SEP IRAs benefit self-employed individuals and small-business owners, and have a number of advantages over other retirement plans, including: SEP IRAs are available if you have income from being self-employed either full- or part-time, or if you are an employee of someone who establishes a SEP IRA for their employees, including: Contributions to a SEP […]

2021 2022 Tax Law Changes
Delays in the starting age for Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) Through 2022, individuals were required to begin taking RMDs from workplace retirement plans and traditional IRAs by April 1 of the year after the year in which they turned 72. Effect Jan. 1, 2023, the threshold age to begin RMDs shifts to 73. It will […]

How to Reduce IRS Taxes
Save Big Money by Reducing Your Taxable Income Guess what—some money you receive NEVER has to be included on your tax return!That’s right—many taxpayers are unaware that you can earn money and not include it as income on your 1040. Of course, if you do report this income, the IRS isn’t going to tell you […]